Holy Grounds Coffee is a nonprofit coffee roaster, meaning that you are purchasing much more than just coffee. Here's what that really means:

What is the purpose of Holy Grounds Coffee?
Created as an adult employment program, Holy Grounds Coffee's core and only mission is to provide meaningful employment for our clients with special needs. This employment program provides additional job opportunities as our clients roast hundreds of pounds of coffee, as well as package up each and every order in coffee bags brandishing their names! Our wonderful clients are engrained in every aspect of Holy Grounds Coffee.
How does my purchase help?
By purchasing a bag of coffee, you create one more opportunity for our clients to work. Currently, many of the clients only assist in the packaging of each order, meaning their opportunities to work come directly from our customers. Not only that, but every purchase and new customer brings us one step closer to creating full time positions for more clients as we continue to grow this program.
As part of St. John of God's Community Services, many of our clients have job coaches who train them as they seek out community employment. However, Holy Grounds Coffee was built to become an in house community employment opportunity for our clients so that they can learn and grow in a safe environment as their families have already entrusted us with their care for many years. Our clients families know that Holy Grounds Coffee will be a much safer experience than a fast food restaurant.
Our long-term goal is to create full and part time positions adapted to our clients so that they may feel empowered to work for a company built by them.
How does my purchase go the extra mile?
Not only are you already supporting a great cause in Holy Grounds and St. John of God Community Services, but you can sleep soundly knowing that you also purchased high quality and highly vetted coffee beans. Knowing that coffee beans are one of the most exploited goods in the world, we decided to partner with Bellwether Coffee for all of our coffee needs.
Bellwether is committed to sustainability as they focus on economic empowerment, environmental sustainability, and gender equality when purchasing green coffee beans. Every coffee bean has a story, and Bellwether ensures that they are heard. Whether the coffee is fair trade certified and organically grown like our Honduras COMSA Lot or sourced from women owned farms to create financial empowerment like our Mexico Mayan Harvest, your purchase will continue to impact communities all over the world.
How can I support Holy Grounds Coffee?
Well good news- you already are! Just by being here and learning more about what we do, you are taking the first step in supporting our mission. From purchasing our coffee, to following us on social media, to even just subscribing to our emails or telling your friends about us, you are already having a positive effect on our community. Our clients feel the support and they are honored every time somebody places a coffee order.
Your support is immeasurable, and we cannot thank you enough.
To learn more about our clients, check out how they DO GOOD every single day: